Trust the market leader‘s one hand logistic solution
DB SCHENKER | eurasia
Your fast track from Europe to Asia and back
DB SCHENKER | eurasia has the full range solution for all your single and less-than-container loads (FCL/LCL) when shipping from Europe to Asia – seamlessly connecting any location in your country with the Asian market.
One solution – many benefits
Cost and CO2 efficiency
Reduce your CO2 footprint* compared to transport by air, truck or ship while cutting costs.
Fast and predictable
Faster than ocean freight and truck, this track offers you solid and reliable schedules and a special fast train solution.
Secure and controlled
Be at ease, with our war risk insurance as special protection offer and enhanced rel-time online tracking. 
Reliable and stable capacities
Our capacities are highly reliable as our service east-and west-bound has predefined and plannable capacities for both, FCL and LCL shipments
Modular and local connectivity
Priority processing at borders, a dense and international network on all freight ways offer you a seamless door-to-door experience. 
Get in touch and start your journey now
